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After being fired by Tai Lopez in November 2021, I launched startups like a madman to buy freedom.
3% of users upgrade to paid plans. So If you have a $5/month plan, your average user is worth $0.15.
If you have 0 audience and $0 for marketing, here are 4 marketing strategies I used to get customers for all my startups.
Forget creativity, design is about rules. Here’s the 80/20.
If good ideas could be found, there would be a marketplace
Learn to code in weeks, not years.
I killed 3 startups because of recurring payments
What this means for us
A quick solopreneur update for June
Forget creativity, design is about rules. Here’s there 80/20.
I made peanuts for 18 months. But I showed up daily until luck found me.
You don't need an audience or a marketing budget to get visitors. Here's how to grow a startup for free when you're a solopreneur who loves coding.
When I learned to code, I struggled to decide on the right tech stack with all the noise out there. Here's the one I picked and never changed.